Kiima Foods is an NGO founded 1995, registered in Uganda, Registration No. INDR14871399NB to work with communities across the Country, It’s non-partisan anti-poverty organization, It operates as a unique partnership of people, especially the rural poor, development organizations, government and social networks that are determined to ensure all people are equal and live in dignity.
The organization puts its main focus on mobilizing and strengthening poor peoples’ capabilities, participation and collective voice, especially in the areas of the natural environment, livelihoods and technical skills education. The organisation in partnership with her Development partners is implementing projects in the distribution of Clean Renewable Technologies, Installation of solar mini-grids Anchored with cold storage facilities for fruits and Vegetables, Training in farmer extension based on Agroecologyy principles and practices, Training the youth in Green Skills, Supporting the development of farmer cooperatives and Marketing Associations.
Kiima Foods in partnership with Smart Villages with funding from Innovate UK has constructed solar mini-grids in Mbata Village Bwesumbu sub-county Kasese District.
These Solar mini-grids can provide electricity rural communities where conventional grid electricity is either non-existent or sparsely available. This is essential for people’s lives and livelihoods, enabling the use of Cold rooms to store food in Smart Agri Centers and lighting up households, schools at night, and powering local businesses.
Zibidayo Narrates that Rabbit keeping has now become one of the livestock enterprises in the sub county because a minimal amount of investment is required in this rabbit keeping business and the ability of the rabbit to breed fast is one of the plus points that has made rabbit keeping a source of foods and income for the family and money saved has contribution on school fees for his son. Rabbits greatly provide ecological benefits on his garden, Zibidayo say, they eat grass every day and provide droppings and the left-over grass are used in the garden for land rehabilitation. Also, disease control and housing management requirements are not much high, their meat is highly nutritious and a good source of protein in comparison to other forms of meat he says.
Zibidayo says Rabbit
keeping is very easy to initiate as rabbits are generally clean and require little amount of capital, time, labour and space to manage